Teenage Ghost

   The phone vibrated sending haunting echoes through the empty bathroom stalls. Vi had accumulated quite a stash of gadgets. Her new boyfriend was fond of bestowing gifts on his beloved. She could watch any movie she wanted, or tv show. She had every type of music there was available to her.
   Vi picked up the phone and glanced at the incoming text.
   Josh waited for her on the other side of the restroom door. He’d been texting Vi all day and she had not answered. Finally after his parents had fallen asleep and he could sneak out, he ran to the school. His heart raced, what if something had happened to her. What if she was dead inside there? He was scared to go in.
   Vi texted him back.
   The vibration of the phone scared Josh, he screamed out loud.
   Vi laughed at the sound of it and opened the door to greet him. She threw her arms around him and hugged him tightly. “You’re so sweet to worry about me all day, babe.”
   Josh hugged her back, though now that he knew she was ok he was a little annoyed she hadn’t been answering his texts. “Why didn’t you text back?”
   “Aww.” Vi hugged him tighter, then went a little limp in his arms. She nestled her head on his shoulder and said in a soft childlike voice. “I went home for the day.”
   Josh hugged his girlfriend tightly, “I’m sorry.”
   “It’s ok.” Vi continued, it almost sounded as if she would start crying. “I just try and I try, and I think I’m going to go home and everything’s going to be ok. But it’s not. It never is.”
   Josh held her closer still, “It’s alright.”
   “I’m so glad I have you.” Vi’s voice became calmer. “You’re so nice to me. You get me all these gifts, you bring me food everyday.”
   “Not today I didn’t.” Josh pulled away a little.
   “I’ll get it today.” Vi moved away from him, “Wait here.” She walked off towards the vending machines.
   After she was out of sight, Josh walked into the girls restroom. He looked at the phone he’d given her so they could keep in touch while apart. He scrolled through, but the only texts she’d received came from him. With a sigh of relief he set the phone back down on the sink.
   He sat down in the hall and waited for Vi to return.
   Vi returned with cinnamon buns and sodas, and the two walked out to the football field for a picnic.
   Josh and Vi cuddled under the stars in silence for several minutes before he spoke. “Vi..”
   Vi sat up and looked into his eyes.
   He suddenly forgot what he was going to say. Vi was like a drug, and the more he was without her the more he wanted her. She erased his mind and eased his pain. Nothing mattered when he was with Vi. He drew in a breath and looked at her black hair, she wore it straight today. When she leaned forward it made a curtain, stealing the stars from his sight.
   “Josh?” She asked.
   He glanced back into her eyes, they looked almost all black.
   “Would you bring me a weapon of some kind when you come here next time?”
   “Why would you need a weapon?” Josh felt so at ease he didn’t think to find the request odd.
   “I want to protect myself, in case someone shows up.” Vi looked away from him quickly.
   “I’ll protect you, just text me.” Josh tried to comfort her.
   “You wont get here in time!” Vi jerked away from his grasp.
   “Vi.” Josh tried to reason with her. “What you’re asking me to do is impossible.”
   “It’s not impossible.” she said defiantly. “You just don’t want to do it.”
   “That’s not true, Vi.” he reached out for her again.
   Vi jumped up. “You were so worried about my safety, so worried that something happened. But you wont even help me protect myself.” she accused and then ran off the field.