Teenage Ghost

    Inja practically floated around her house. She hummed happy songs from her youth as she went about her daily chores. She always had a smile on her face and a pleasant word to anyone who approached her. Her parents were beyond suspicious that it was because of a boy.
    Her mother sat her down and had a long chat about what boys really want from a girl. How they were not after honorable things, and she must protect herself at all times from any kind of impurity. It was the same chat she had heard from her mother since she was five years old. She smiled politely at her mother and agreed. Inja assured her mother she would do nothing dishonorable, and understood the feeling of shame she would have to endure. Inja knew Evan was not the way her mother thought of him. He would never put her in a situation where she felt ill at ease, he always went out of his way to make sure she felt comfortable. Her mother was wrong about him.
    Her father however took a different approach. He went overboard with his complaining, he knew he had no proof yet. He threatened that when he found out and had proof that she was seeing a boy, the first thing he would do as punishment was make her quit the cheerleading squad. Then if she continued seeing the boy after that, he said he would take her out of the school she was in and put her in a private school. Then lastly he said if she still continued to see this boy after all of that, he would sell everything they had and move back to Pakistan.
    Inja had wanted to cry when he told her all of that. She wanted to run away from him, and his rules and his commands. She was so hurt inside by his words. He didn’t understand. He didn’t know what it was like to be young. He didn’t know what it was like to be in love. All he knew were rules and commands, well he wouldn’t command her like he command her mother. She wouldn’t stand for it! She was an American, and american teenagers do what they want. American teenagers rebel. She knew if she showed any emotion at all, it would give her away. So she kept the smile on her face the entire time, knowing he didn’t know. She kissed him on the cheek and promised him she was doing nothing she shouldn’t. She told her father, he didn’t have to worry about any boys.