“I don’t mean to be rude about it. It’s purely scientifical, how I think about it. You’re nothing more than a human body to me. Like all human bodies. Religion created the soul, I did not. You people fought so hard to get rid of it and yet want to cling to it’s trappings.” Alfonz Reiniger half laughed during his scoffing. “You like to think you are special, but I tell you every single human is the same. You hold no more value than a dying man in India who sleeps on the street. You fall to sleep as if you matter, if you died tonight the world would still continue on as if you never existed. In a thousand years time, no one will know you existed.” He set his drink on the bar and glanced out at the city.
They were forty stories up, the most magnificent view in the city. He was with Clarissa Eversrong. She was nominated for several films this year, drama’s mostly.
She also loved bad boys, and you didn’t get any ‘Bad’er than Alfonz. He had strong sharp features, there wasn’t a flaw on his perfect fair skin. His hair was perfection, short and blonde, combed perfectly to the right side. His German accent drove her wild, as did his complete disregard for others. Secretly she wanted to be the one girl he cared about.
Clarissa drank the rest of her wine and handed Alfonz the glass to refill.
He did so with a charming smile, handing it back with the grace of gentleman.
It was another reason she was so drawn to him. He had a certain grace and charm that was lost to this world. So many women were drawn to it like a moth to a flame. She walked outside and breathed in the air of the city she loved with all her heart. The city that had given her life, career, and love.
The pain was quick in the side of her neck. It was blinding pain, and so much that not even a sound could come out of her throat. The sucking and draining of all her blood… She could feel it being taken. As the last few bits of life remained in her, weakness and faintness took hold. She could not move, or speak. She could barely breathe.
Alfonz laid her on the ground of the cement balcony. Wiping his lips with the linen napkins she had set out for dessert later. It was her favorite chocolate cheesecake from the Lantry Emporium in Fallhalond Square.
Alfonz reached down, picked her up, and tossed her over the ledge.
She saw his eyes for the first time as she began to fall. The eyes of a dead man staring right at her. Her thoughts raced to every time she saw his face. All this time, how could she have missed that?
There was a feeling of absolute blunt force all over, the world faded to black. Clarissa Eversrong was no more.