“Drink some wine.”Azeus pressured Jeremiah, and poured a glass. Azeus would not stand for a guest mistreating the hired help. He handed the glass to Jeremiah.
“It’s quite good.” Jeremiah was shocked by the taste. It was reminiscent of a sweet wine, the heavy metallic taste of blood gave it a hearty flavor.
“It will sustain your hunger.” Azeus took a sip. “I have a much better plan for their so called facility. This human juicing station is perfect for a new line of wine.” He looked at Jeremiah while the wheels turned in his mind.
“They want a war?” Azeus smiled. “I will give them a war of old. A true war. A war of vineyards and fertile farming grounds. They know nothing of humanity or life. To live is everything. They never knew of a world that was vast in resources. They never knew a world where water ran so pure, and tasted so sweet straight out of the river. They never stood in the rain and felt it’s cleansing power wash over them.
They never knew of a time where a man could walk until he slept, going where he pleased, eating whatever he hunted. The time of no laws, the time of understanding and reason. When it was expected of a man to hunt and survive, even on owned land. A time when a stranger was not an enemy trespassing on your land, but fellow living being, a traveler who is only passing through. A time when you allowed another living being to survive and live, as you wanted to survive and live. If someone hunted on your land then you wished them good hunt, for you knew that would fill his belly and he would survive the week.
They know nothing about compassion, only laws. They wish to have a war of Domination. I will give them a war of Conquest. They do not know even what war is for. They think it is to force their will upon others.
That was never the reason for war. The only reason for war is to expand your empire. Take only the most fertile of lands, the most economically sound of cities. You only wanted large trade ports, with known and well traveled sea routes.” Azeus stopped reminiscing.
Azeus’ words quickened as he scoffed in anger, “These turn of the millini vampires, born out of strife and war. Born in a world of hunger and anger, taught only to rape and take. They know only fighting for survival and nothing of living life. They do not know how to put back or how to live without. They never were taught to sow, only to reap. They are incapable of understanding the balance to things. That is what makes them so selfish, there is little to go around if you know nothing of maintaining balance. There could be more than enough for everyone. It was a mistake to turn them. Their minds are too far set in their selfish ways, they have no way to see the world as it was. They do only as they were taught.”
“This want for war proves it. They would destroy the human race to starve themselves to death in the end.” Azeus drew in a deep breath. “We will be doing them a favor, putting them out of their misery. No one should suffer from stupidity for eternity.”