
    Indigo Shyloh had been an ugly duckling all her life. In elementary school she was picked on because she had a big nose and ears. When she got to middle school she not only had a big nose, and big ears, she was also taller than everyone else. She turned to her studies and turned her back on a society that did not accept her.
   She always made the best grades, no student could match her on any level. She refused to compete in academic competitions, because of her looks. Winners always appear with their picture in the paper, for all the world to see. She always shied from the camera when someone was taking pictures in the room. The family photo album generally had her peeking out from behind an elbow or obscured in the back behind everyone else. She always did her best to hide or blend in, she never wanted to be noticed.
   When Indigo entered high school her heart fell to an all time low. She watched the pretty girls, with the beautiful faces, all get date after date. They always had their choice of the boys of the school. The boys flocked to these girls, as if they had some sort of invisible power over them. It hurt her to watch, she cried herself to sleep at night. Why couldn’t it be her?
   She began to notice the shapes of the girls faces and taking notes to herself of what she would have changed, if she could. By her junior year she had a plan in her head of what she was going to do with her life.
   She would work really hard and save all her money, then research plastic surgeons. She would make herself look like one of them.
   The years passed, Indigo finished college and a job in a corporate office. Day in and day out she did her job efficiently and without problem. She never complained to anyone, and she never asked for anyone’s help. In her spare time she researched doctors, and she saved every extra penny she made.
   Finally she had the money she needed to get everything done. She’d made sure she’d saved enough for the two years it would take of recuperation down time, when she would be unable to work between procedures. She quit her job, there was no farewell cake or party for her. Indigo had no friends.
   Four years later Indigo Shyloh was a completely different person.