Original X-roads-2003

    What they learned was this.
    From birth children are dna tested. If the dna is mutated to a degree of seventy percent or more towards social, mental, or physical abnormality it is placed outside of society. The parents of the child are then marked in their parental records, and further birthing licences would possibly be revoked if the couple didn’t agree to dna cleansing for their next offspring. The children were placed in government run nurseries until they were old enough to feed and dress themselves. Then the orphan children were placed in one of the Locaid housing districts, located in every major city on every continent.
    Grade zero was the grade of structured play. Children were brought into the system at this age. Their DNA, fingerprints and footprints were all on file. From this day forward everything they did, every minute of every school day was recorded on their file. The structured play was nothing more than a testing of their abilities. Those who graduated had to complete and pass a series of aptitude, skill, socialization, stress, as well as mental and physical testing. To the children they were merely competing in games, learning to read and write, and making new friends.
    Each grade had it’s own lessons, it’s own indoctrination into the system.